Thermal Oxiders from Thermovision

Thermal Oxidizers are specially designed air pollution control equipment that are used to treat exhaust from different process applications where the flue exhaust have higher presence of Volatile Organic Compounds or where particulates may be present. Pollutants like VOCs have adverse impact on the atmosphere and they must be treated before releasing them to atmosphere. Thermovision can assist you if you are looking for a new Oxidizer or if you want to service or upgrade your existing oxidiser system.

If you are looking to improve your emissions, turning to Pollution Control Systems is the first step in the process.

Themal Oxidiser can also be combined with energy saving secondary Heat Recovery System to optimise the whole process . A sophisticated burner system and sufficient residence time for laden air inside the combustion chamber plays very important role is efficiently destructing pollutants.

Some industrial applications where Thermal Oxidizer plays very important role includes Metal Processing Lines, Coating and Laminating lines, food processing plants, Chemical Processes and allied operations.

Thermovision can offer a customised solution for your specific industrial application for improving your emission requirements.

regeTHERM - Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer

regeTHERM - Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer
Regetherm Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers are optimum for the processes where the lower explosive limits, i.e. LEL levels are comparatively lower. These Oxidizers are high in efficiency and can operate in auto thermal mode during most of the process operation.

recuTHERM - Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer

recuTHERM - Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer
Recutherm Recuperative Thermal Oxidizers by Thermovision are optimum for the processes with moderate level of VOC concentration. These Oxidizers are high in efficiency and can be combined with Secondary Heat Recovery Systems for recovering additional heat from the exhaust gas for alternate process heating.